fha mortgage guidelines 2016

Yes, you can still deduct interest on your home equity loan. – It just applies to those that are used to pay for non-home-related things, like paying off your credit card or buying a car. But you can still deduct home equity loan interest that is used to pay for.fha mortgage calculator with down payment Fha Down Payment Calculator – Fha Down Payment Calculator – We are offering mortgage refinancing service for your home. With our help, you can change term and lower monthly payments. Before applying to refinance your mortgage, check your credit report and look for errors.Getting approved for a new mortgage after bankruptcy can happen in as little as one. Mortgage after bankruptcy: chapter 7 waiting periods.

New guidelines will make it easier for recent graduates with student loan debt to qualify for a FHA home buying in 2016.

FHA Self-Employed Borrower Income Guidelines for 2016. – Editor’s note: The guidelines below apply to automated underwriting using FHA TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard. HUD offers a separate set of guidelines for manual underwriting.

Mortgage Insurance Premium (mip) fha loans require private mortgage insurance, referred to as MIP (mortgage insurance premium) or PMI (private mortgage insurance).. There are two types of mortgage insurance you will pay. An annual MIP and an up-front mortgage insurance premium of 1.75%.

New FHA Condo Rules Expand Access to Reverse Mortgages – “The range allows FHA to choose a specific percentage that is responsive to future market changes.” The Housing Opportunity through Modernization Act of 2016. and mortgage industry groups who have.

FHA Condo Loans: Owner/Occupancy Requirements – FHA condo loans: owner/occupancy requirements. fha loans include the option to fill out a loan application for condo loans. Borrowers can apply to purchase a condo unit as long as the condo project is either on the FHA approved list or is added to that list.