is interest on a home equity loan tax deductible

 · In 2017, the mortgage interest deduction included that which you paid on loans to buy a home, on home equity lines of credit, and on construction loans. But the TCJA eliminated the deduction for home equity debt beginning with the 2018 tax year-the return you’ll file in 2019- unless you can prove that the loan was taken out to.

However, if the taxpayer took out a $250,000 home equity loan on the main home to purchase the vacation home, then the interest on the home equity loan would not be deductible. Example 3. In January 2018, a taxpayer takes out a $500,000 mortgage to purchase a main home. The loan is secured by the main home.

When the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was passed in December 2017, it was widely reported that the deduction for home equity loan interest was going away in 2018. And to be fair, as the bill was written,

Generally speaking, interest on home equity loans is tax-deductible, as is the interest paid on the primary mortgage you used to buy your home. However, there are some significant differences worth noting. Not taxable as income. There are two other tax matters to get out of the way before we talk about deductions, though.

Deducting interest on a home equity line of credit depends on several factors, so make sure you know the rules before taking out that loan. If allowable, the deduction would be claimed on Schedule.

Taxpayers used to be able to take a home equity loan or tap into a home equity line of credit, spend the money on whatever they wanted (pool, college tuition, boat, debt consolidation) and the interest on the loan was tax deductible. For borrowers in higher tax brackets this was a huge advantage.

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Is Home Equity Loan Interest still Deductible? The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has resulted in questions from taxpayers about many tax provisions including whether interest paid on home equity loans is still deductible. The good news is that despite newly-enacted restrictions on home mortgages, taxpayers can often still deduct interest on a home equity.

So if the smallest home equity loan or line of credit your lender will allow is $20,000, you’ll need to have at least $20,000 in home equity over and above the 20% equity you’ll need left after.

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